Interview Tips

Be prepared for a great interview

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” Arthur Ashe

It may sound like a cliché, but there really is no greater way to ensure a good interview experience than by being 100% prepared. From doing your homework on the company and the role you are being considered for, to rehearsing your answers in advance, there’s simply no substitute for proper research and practice.

It may sound daunting, but at MBM Travel Executives we’re here to support you every step of the way. So that by the time you get to the big day, you’re ready to sell yourself and your talents with confidence.

For starters, we offer a list of typical interview questions for you to consider and prepare your answers to. There’s no right or wrong, this isn’t a test. It’s just a great way to start practicing for the real thing and help with any pre-interview nerves you may have. If you’d like a copy of these questions, please contact us and we’ll send them right over. It’s a great place to begin.

“The belief that you can have a meaningful career is the first step to finding one.” Sean Aiken

There are some tried and tested ways to prepare yourself before an interview. Take the time to action each of the points listed below and you’re half way there to enjoying a great interview experience.

  • It’s all in the mind! Get yourself prepared mentally. Think confident. Think positive. Think dynamic. If you are given a job description and person specification read through it thoroughly to get a really good understanding of the role and what will be required of you. Imagine yourself there and try to picture what will it be like on a day-to-day basis.
  • Do your homework! Research as much relevant information on the business as you can. Go online, read carefully through the company’s website, look into the history of the organisation by checking out past press releases online, looking on the Wikipedia site, finding them at companies house and going on to Linkedin to discover any groups they may have.
  • Be prepared! Anticipate what kind of questions are likely to be asked and work out your answers in advance. We can help you there so don’t be afraid to ask.
  • Know your strengths! It may sound obvious but to highlight what you can bring to the role consider five strengths you have, both personally and professionally, write them down and use them throughout the interview where appropriate.
  • Experience counts! Use your past experience and personal attributes to make your skill set more relevant to the new role. Take each responsibility of the new job brief and write down a specific example relating to it. Don't worry if you can’t match all of the areas covered, but instead try and think of some personal skills, values or interests that would add value to that particular aspect of the job and tell the interviewer about it at the interview.
  • Don’t leave home without it! Ensure you have everything you need, hard copy of CV, any presentations required, any personal stats or references you would like to take with you.
  • Get there with time to spare! Prepare your journey in advance (do a practice run if necessary) to ensure that you have given yourself more than enough time to get to your interview.

“Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success.” Paul.J.Meyer

So, you’ve done your homework. You’re looking sharp. All you need to do now is make a great impression. Here are our top tips for the big day…we’re right behind you all the way:

  • Don’t be late! Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. While you are waiting to be seen, take a good look around you, soak up the atmosphere and glance through any company literature that may be there.
  • First impressions count! You only have a few minutes to make an impression, so make sure it’s a good one. Dress for success and greet your interviewer with confident eye contact, a firm handshake and enthusiasm. A great way to get the interview off to a good start.
  • Be yourself! Don’t be under any illusion, interviewers can spot a fake from 100 miles. So, no matter how nervous you might be, just be YOU. Your true personality is key to ensuring that you're the right fit for the company and vice versa. Remember, there might be several candidates with similar levels of experience and qualifications, but there’s only one you.
  • Question time! Listen carefully to the questions being asked and answer them accurately and concisely. Do not interrupt the interviewer and avoid yes or no answers. Likely areas of questioning will centre around your education, employment past and present, personal strengths, interests and ambitions. Most interviewers are looking for answers to four key questions: Can you do the job? Will you do the Job? Will you fit in? Do you want the job?
  • Humour is human! Humour in an interview is allowed and often makes for a more congenial atmosphere, but make sure you use your gut instincts to tell you whether, or when, it’s appropriate.
  • Ask away! Prepare a list of questions to ask at the end of the interview to demonstrate your understanding of the role and interest in the company.
  • Parting shot! The final impression can be as important as the first so make sure you leave with an open smile and a firm handshake. Don’t forget to thank your interviewer for their time and say that you look forward to hearing from them.
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